How to use Online Grade Calculator
for your classes?
Why we have to get Letter Grades?
The principal school in the U.S. to utilize letter evaluations was Mount Holyoke, at the time an all-ladies’ school, in Massachusetts. The school utilized a size of A, B, C, D, and E. E was coming up short.
Prior to that, Yale utilized a positioning framework in 1785 where “optimi” (Latin for ‘the best’) was the most noteworthy stamp, trailed by second optimi, inferiore (“lower“), and pejores (“more awful“). William and Mary positioned understudies by number, where No. 1 was the first in their class and No. 2 understudies were “organized, right and mindful.”
For some time, Harvard had a numerical evaluating framework where understudies were reviewed on a scale from 1-200 (aside from math and rationality classes, which were 1-100). Yale had a four-point scale in 1813, changed to a nine-point scale some place down the track, and back to a four-point scale in 1832.
The letter framework was quickly received by schools and colleges over the U.S. The main change made was to quit utilizing the letter “E,” and supplant it with the letter “F.” This was done in light of the fact that numerous understudies misjudged the letter “E” to signify “fantastic,” when it implied an incredible inverse.
After World War II, a few schools—numerous in the Midwest—chose to backpedal to E, disposing of F.
In truth, any letter could remain in for E or F and still mean a similar thing. A few schools utilize “U” for “unsuitable” or N for “no credit.” Educators could utilize pretty much any letter and it would add up to a similar thing. It is essentially a pointer of a non-passing evaluation.
Why you need Online Grade Calculator ?
Numerous teachers might want to see letter grades vanish. Pundits of the reviewing scale trust a composed investigation of understudies’ work would be much more valuable, giving specifics to change.
Supporters of the letter reviewing framework guarantee that understudies and guardians likely wouldn’t read composed assessments. It is outstanding that exhausted instructors don’t have sufficient energy to give broad composed assessment on homework and tests.
Teachers realize that letter reviews just give a general thought of understudy execution, yet they are not prone to change the framework. They say that letter grades persuade numerous understudies. The objective of winning “An” or keeping away from a “F” is regularly enough to make understudies think about and plan for that next exam.
What letter grades don’t do is to help understudies build up a developing and diligent enthusiasm for the subject, one that will enable them to keep learning past the tests, or even to utilize or recollect what they realized. While letter grades persuade, they likewise demotivate understudies by disheartening them, now and then constraining similar understudies that they rouse. At last, an instructor that relies on letter reviews as the sole or essential spark dangers passing up a great opportunity for the experience of developing a high-affect learning group of reason and plausibility.
Carrot and stick strategies are excessively outrageous, numerous instructors say. They just work for the time being.
Numerous instructors attempt to make a situation that restrains the part of evaluations in inspiring understudies. They attempt to build understudy execution by focusing on where and how the understudies do well. It is an altogether different thing to learn close by a gathering that needs to get a decent evaluation. It is a totally unique ordeal to learn with a gathering of individuals who build up a drive to learn for different reasons.
Online Grade Calculator is the tool can help you calculate and manager grade in your classes. Quiz, homework, Midterm, Final,… all will be calculated and managed so easy and you do not worry about them any time.
How to use Oline Grade Calculator ?
1. If you live hompage , you will go to “Grade Calculator” -> click on “Grade Calculator” category.
2. Enter your class name that you want to put on : Class 1, Class 2, …. with Amazing grade calculator( Note: The class name should be put easy to remember and manager)
3. Choosing the Assessment such as, Quiz, Homework, Midterm, Final,…that you need on Grade calculator page(Online Grade Calculator).
4. After that, enter your percentage of grade that will be converted automatically to letter of grade : Example: 98% = A+
5. Enter Percentage of Class Grade, Your Current Grade will be calculated immediately that include percentage and letter grade.
6. Moreover, you can add more Assessment with Online Grade Calculator by click on “Add Assessment” icon. Addition click on “Add class” you will calculate more class which you need.
7. What you you need on your final?
- Enter your percentage of Final Worth with Online Grade Calculator
- Choosing your desired Grade from 60 to 100 < Near here, the desired grade of letter will convert automatically >
- Finally, the result that you need on your final will appare immediately below
How to save your data to gradebook ?
If you want to save your GPA data, only one thing you need to do is sign up or sign in the website. Once you do, you will have the option to save your GPA information and then you will get the chance to easily manage your GPA records.
- Click on link : You can find 2 options:
- Login: If you was had account on our website. You click on here and follow guide of us
- Register: If you are not have account on our website.
- Choosing your option that you need: Login or Register
- Login: Fill out the ‘Account Information’ include email and password accurately, and then click ‘LONGIN’ . Moreover, you can LOGIN with G+, Facebook or Twitter.
If you LOGIN successfully, you will see the box liked the photo that bellow. Unless you click “Forgot your password” and reset your new password.
- Register: Fill out the ‘Account Information’ include your name, email , password and repeat password accurately, and then click ‘CREAT ACCOUNT’ . Moreover, you can Register with G+, Facebook or Twitter.
Once you have your account, you will see the crossword “SAVE TO MY GRADE BOOK” wih Online Grade Calculator.
How to maintain a high grade point average in college(Study tips)?
College can be difficult, but you want to have awesome grades so you can get a good job or go to graduate school. Here’s how to keep an A in college.
You have to earn it.
This is the most important step. If an A is your top priority, you will get it. This means you’ll be ready to sacrifice things like hanging out with your friends, keeping up with your favorite television shows and sometimes sleeping.
Always attends classes.
If attendance is part of the qualification, you should always attend. You should attend classes on a regular basis, regardless of whether attendance is required.
Remember that studying is similar to doing exercises
It is best if you do it in shorter periods of time and on a regular basis. This means that you should study constantly (could be daily) and not from time to time. Learning to study for longer periods of time is also an important skill. It could be difficult or impossible at first, but it can be achieved.
Make college your priority.
You only have to leave when you do not have work to do. Many things which you have to spend on time to it, such as, your girlfriend/boyfriend, your important subject in college or volunteer organization… And then you should make your priority. In your college, you have to make a plan and undertake with your plan to pass overall semester. Therefore, you need to spend more time on learning to pass all the exams.
Get organized.
Make sure you know when the exams are and what you have to study exactly. Before the exam, you need to spend more time on reviewing than usual. The outline can help you a lot in understanding the knowledge in a general way.
In addition, drawing mind maps will also help you to understand the whole subject. You should reduce travel time with your friends and other jobs before the exam, but do not forget to relax after study time, which will help you regain your mind and learn more effectively. Moreover, you should have a nutritious diet to ensure your health before and during the exam.
Having a part-time job could keep you up and make sure you do not waste time.
However, if you are at a point where you do not sleep regularly, it would be good to quit the job. I recommend that you find a job that you can study, such as a post in the library or the university secretariat.
Take all the credits of the semester, but level your courses.
Take one or two challenging courses along with two easy courses. Do not take chemistry, calculus, zoology and trigonometry, all in the same semester. Beware of complicated courses of 1 or 2 credits. They can consume a lot of your time, even much more than courses of 3 or 4 credits.
Remember why you’re in college.
And finally, You are there to learn, so do not complain about going to class. Look at it as an opportunity to develop. Feel proud to get involved in your studies. However, do not deny the fact that you will become depressed and you will not have friends if all you do is study. Keeping sanity is half the battle, and having friends should remain a priority.